Line between locations because
without having to do anything in the hosting management panel or contact our Customer Service Department – said Krzysztof Cebrat president of the management board of nazwaOnly the latest TLS . and TLS . encryption methods are used for our clients' websites thanks to which the services are protected against attack attempts on earlier versions of the SSL TLS protocols. Additionally the security of each website is ensured by an advanced DDoS IPS and WAF protection system. Warsaw Tags CloudHosting hosting CloudHosting at nazaccelerated by % after moving to Warsaw Starting from January all CloudHosting nazwl services are activated in the Data Center in Warsaw.Thanks to the new location access times from other operators' networks to the websites of customers dropped below ms and the websites sped up by about %. The website opening Phone Number List time depends on the distance The speed of a website depends on performance of servers and databases on the hosting but data transfer time to the client browser. This time increases proportionally as the distance between the client and the server increases and the same page depending on the delay on the links may display slowly or very quickly.,h_600,al_c,lg_1,q_85,enc_auto/4b6327_b4c6ae12ac534e048c9361cc1c4a573f~mv2.png
Unfortunately it is not the case that information is sent in a straight telecommunications and hosting operators exchange traffic only in established locations. In Poland such a place is Warsaw and for example when you connect from Wrocław to a website in Krakow the information is transmitted anyway through one of the interconnection traffic exchange nodes in the capital. Website data traffic for hosting services | naservers located close to Internet traffic exchange points Extending the information transfer route delays its reaching the addressee that's why decided to move its cloud where CloudHosting services are provided to Data Center in Warsaw. S