You never know what publications will pique someones interest so be sure to include any potential options on your site. Awards ratings and certifications Also found on the About page of the Jackery site is a quick overview of their certifications and awards. increase conversion rates include awards and certifications example from jackery Just like the media outlet mentions these can be compelling for folks who are .
Familiar with the field and help give your business credibility. Extra points if your competition doesnt have similar awards for comparison. Set expectations for the conversion process Many customers will feel more Laos Phone Number Datacomfortable taking a conversion action if they know whats coming next. If theyve never worked with your company before this can help put them at least and potentially help prevent them from contacting your customer support prematurely or unnecessarily.
Add a product to cart check out it shows up at your door right Not quite. How long will it take for you to package the product and get it in the mail How long will it take once its there Do you need to have someone ready to sign for the product or can it be dropped off at a door increase conversion rates communicate conversion path example from zok Source For lead generation this is even more important. Once a prospect fills out a form how long will it be before they hear from you In what format will they hear from you phone call email calendar invite